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Class for Learning Japanese Language


Date: 2019/11/2(Sat) 10:00-11:30


● Applicant’s condition: Foreign residents who want to learn beginner’s
 conversation and live, work, or go to school in Mitaka.
● Class: Small classes
● Location: MISHOP Meeting Room
● Context: Conversational Japanese used in every day speech such as shopping,
 making a phone call, etc. (Students can join any time since the study
 material will not be sequential)
● Instructors: Well trained volunteers
● Text book: The original text book edited by MISHOP
● Fee: 2,000 yen(collected on the first attendance)
● Study Period: Please continue studying until you feel comfortable with the
 basic conversation.


【To Apply】 Apply through our website, call us or come to the office directly.