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English Lounge Special Talk, Brian Kerry


Date: 2019/3/12(Tue) 13:30-15:30


3月12日 1:30pm - 3:30pm
調布にある American School In Japan(ASIJ) のスポーツディレクター、ブライアン・ケリー氏が ASIJ や彼の住まいのある南アフリカでの生活、環境、サファリなどをスライドショーにて紹介します。

March 12,
Brian Kerry, the athletic director at American School In Japan(ASIJ) in Chofu City, will give a slide presentation of the ASIJ as well as African safari. Originally from San Diego, CA, he and his wife now reside in South Africa. He will be at ASIJ for another year.

English Lounge
every Tuesday pm.1:30 ~ pm.3:30