MISHOP: Mitaka International Society for HOsPitality TOP page
Assistance to Foreign Residents

Language Support

At the request of the Mitaka School Board, MISHOP dispatches trained volunteers to offer support for students transferring into local elementary and junior high schools from other countries.
Foreign children and students feel stress when trying to adapt to a new environment without language skills. Moreover, acquiring academic skills is an important issue as it will determine their future courses of study and careers.

Support for children and students is provided through one-on-one Japanese language instruction in a separate classroom, with a focus on acquiring foundational language skills.

This program is implemented after discussions by the child's guardians, school, and persons concerned to determine the manner of support.

The necessity for this support is determined by the school and Mitaka School Board,so any request for dispatching volunteers should first be made to the teacher in charge at the school attended..