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Assistance to Foreign Residents
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  4. Japanese Language Classes

Japanese Language Classes

Class for Learning Japanese Language  For foreign residents to live comfortably and get opportunities to participate in the community, group lessons to learn Japanese language conducted by trained MISHOP volunteer members are provided. Using MISHOP edited text books, foreign residents learn simple everyday conversations on topics closely related to daily life such as shopping and telephoning. It is possible to start any time as each lesson is self-contained.

○ Date and time: Every Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30

○ Place: MISHOP Meeting Room

○ Fee: 2,000 (to be paid at the first lesson)

○ Duration: As long as necessary for students to acquire simple conversational skills

○ Application: At the MISHOP Office

Scheduled Activities

2025/4/5 (Sat) 10:30-11:30 Japanese Class For Beginners
2025/4/12 (Sat) 10:30-11:30 Japanese Class For Beginners
2025/4/19 (Sat) 10:30-11:30 Japanese Class For Beginners
2025/4/26 (Sat) 10:30-11:30 Japanese Class For Beginners