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The 29th Mitaka International Festival


Date: 2018/9/23(Sun) 10:00-15:30
Place: Inokashira West Park Koryu Hiroba & around baseball field


"Let's join hands; we are one world!"

Date Sunday, September 23rd, 10:00 – 15:30
    (Festival will be held in case of light rain)
Place Inokashira West Park Bunka Koryu Hiroba and around the baseball field
Sponsor Mitaka International Society for Hospitality
Co-sponsor Mitaka Junior Chamber
Supporter  Mitaka City

■The Stage
 A collection of performances fun to see and hear. Enjoy yourself with music and dance from around the world.

■Kids Zone
Come on, Children! Around-the-world Bingo Rally
Win a prize by completing a bingo sheet, answering quiz questions in each area. Don't miss the hands-on attractions, either, such as the popular game using parachutes!

■MISHOP Station
 We introduce Mitaka International Society for Hospitality activities in this area.
 Our volunteers will kindly explain what we usually do with using panels.

■World Bazaar
Come have fun in an internationals atmosphere while snacking and shopping.
Also includes an itroduction to Fair Trade and NGO activities.

■Community Fellowship Zone
 Shops and attractions held by the local organizations will be in this area. A disaster prevention corner will also be held in this area.



Please refer to the MISHOP Miscellany vol.62 for the details.↓